Message from your President,
I am writing this after returning from our Annual Meeting in Holmes County Ohio! We had a great turnout for all events and meetings that were planned. On Thursday we were a part of an open-house at Trail-Light Farms, Todd and Emily Riedel’s farm. It was very well attended by the members and guests. Most of the members came back to the motel where we dined together and then discussed proper confirmation. The next morning, we visited N&A Harness, Bowman Bits, Weaver Wagons and Crystal Springs Breeding Farm –again very well attended by the members and guests!
We did have time to go on our own and the area has anything and everything you could need for draft horses. That same night we had our Annual Members Meeting (between that meeting and the board meeting, we had close to 50 people representing 21 states)! We started the Annual Meeting on Saturday with the election of officers. I’m honored to be re-elected as your President. Victoria Hauser was elected to Vice President, which she has been serving for the last few months. Dean Jensen was re-elected to Treasurer- I would like to thank him and Stacie Lynch for their hard work in getting the books in shape.