Message from your President,

Spring has finally made its appearance. Horse owners can tell quicker than most because of the extreme shedding of winter hair and putting show plates on the horses! This is always an exciting time of year with better weather and foals making their way into the world.

It was also an exciting time in Shipshewana, Indiana at our ASHA Annual Meeting. I would say it was the largest group of guests we have had in many years-the fellowships exchanged by the group of Shire enthusiasts was nice to see. I’d like to say thanks to those making our Educational Day of the meeting a success; Bob Schrock of Shipshewana Harness & Supplies gave everyone a tour of his shop and then gave a demonstration on the craftsmanship it takes to make items we horse people use every day. We also visited with Dennis of Troyer Carts—they have been a huge part of ASHA’s financial success with their donation of a show cart to raffle, so it was good to meet Dennis and again see the true craftsmanship in making carts and wagons. Our tour ended with a hands/ eyes on demonstration of collecting semen and then breeding the mare. Gary Miller of Country Road Stables was a gracious host to answer questions regarding collecting, shipping, and the difference between frozen and chilled semen. Overall a great day of touring and learning!

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